
陳永祥 副教授



美國紐約州立大學水牛城分校  人類學博士

美國威斯康辛州立大學史導特分校 Hospitality and Tourism 碩士


美國紐約州立大學水牛程分校  教職員及學生協會雇員






1. 陳永祥、吳守從(2016) Examining eco-environmental changes at major recreational sites in Kenting National Park in Taiwan by integrating SPOT satellite images and NDVI, presented in the Tourism Management,第 57 期。

2. 陳永祥、吳守從 (2016) Examining the perspectives and participations of local residents toward gambling in Macau and Singapore, presented in the International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,1(2).

3. 陳永祥、 吳守從 (2016) 。 Local intentions to participate in ecotourism development in Taiwan’s Atayal communities。Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change。1-22。

4. 陳永祥 (2006)。科技、休閒、與社會互動關係之省思。高應科大人文社 會科學學報(Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences),3(3): 245- 260。(ISSN:957-01-8270-9)。

5. 陳永祥 (2005)。從內門宋江陣看身體意象在台灣社會的轉變。身體文化 學報,1,38-53。(ISSN:1817-6690)。

6. 陳永祥 (2005) Imagined Marriages in the Era of Information Societies: A Discursive Culture of Foreign Brides in Taiwan。文化研究月刊:三角公園,第五十三期。 (http://www.cc.ncu.edu.tw/~csa/journal/53/journal_park412.htm)。

7. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2004) Virtual Spaces for Imaginable Marriages: A Discursive Analysis of Structured Powers for Foreign Brides in Taiwan. Asian Studies Journal, 40(1): 35-62. 8. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2000) Taiwan. In Encyclopedia of tourism (edited by Jafar Jafari), New York, NY: Routledge, p. 1034.


1. 陳永祥 (2007/04/27) 東南亞地區男性醫療保健的論述:以新加坡、香 港、台灣為例。口頭發表於「2007 年台灣的東南亞區域研究年度論文研討 會」(主辦單位;實踐大學高雄校區東南亞研究中心及中央研究院亞大區 域研究專題中心)。高雄:實踐大學高雄城區教學中心。

2. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2006.07.14) Changing Meanings/Values of Ethnic Handicrafts for a Rukai Tribe in Taiwan. presented in the conference of “East Asian Anthropology/Anthropology in East Asia,” in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This conference was held by Society for East Asian Anthropology.

3. 陳永祥 (2006/04) 男性情慾觀在網路文學文本中的論述。於二○○六年 四月二十八日在「性與文學研討會」中發表。高雄縣燕巢鄉:樹德科技大 學人類性學研究所、應用外語學系主辦。

4. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2005/07/28). Imagined Marriages in the Era of Information Societies: A Discursive Culture of Foreign Brides in Taiwan, presented in the conference of “Asian Digital Cultures,” in Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Taipei, Taiwan.

5. 陳永祥 (2005). 從內門宋江陣看身體意象在台灣社會的轉變, 於 2005 年三月二十日在「2005 羅漢門傳統技藝‧觀光與文化國際研討會」發表, 實踐大學高雄校區。

6. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2000/11). The Influences and Impacts of Spanish Viticulture in South America after 1942, presented in the 2000 Jack and Margaret Sweet Symposium, Department of History, Michigan State University.

7. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2000/04). Travel Writings and female Consciousness, posted for the 3rd Annual Celebration of Scholarship on Women & Gender, Institute for Research and Education on Women & Gender, Buffalo, New York.

8. Yeong-Shyang Chen (2000/03). Pilgrimage at Santiago de Compostela, presented in the 2000 Annual Meeting of Anthropology and Religion Section, Tampa, Florida.

9. Yeong-Shyang Chen (1996/09). A Conceptual Analysis of Interactive Relationships in a Tour Group, presented in the 1996 Asia Pacific Tourism Association, Townsville, Australia.







6.107年教育部教學實踐研究:新設課程二階段課程接受模式之探討 咖啡、公平貿易、觀光設計

