陳永祥 副教授




聯絡信息 (電話、電子郵件):(07)667-8888#5301; ysc18@g2.usc.edu.tw





學校名稱及畢業年份:SUNY-Buffalo, 2004





Yeong-Shyang Chen& Shou-Tsung Wu (2022, June). A case study of sustainable hospitality education relating to food waste from the perspective of transformative learning theory. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 30. Article:100372. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2022.100372

Yeong-Shyang Chen & Shou-Tsung Wu (2021, Feb). An exploration of actor network theory and social affordance for the development of a tourist attraction: A case study of a Jimmy-related theme park, Taiwan. Tourism Management, 82, Article 104206. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2020.104206.

Yeong-Shyang Chen & Shou-Tsung Wu (2020, Nov). The acceptance of critical courses: A case study of a fair trade-related course. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 27, Article 100266. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100266.

Shou-Tsung Wu, Ching-Hsing Chiu & Yeong-Shyang Chen (通訊作者/Corresponding Author) (2020). The influences of innovative technological introduction on interpretive experiences of exhibition: A discussion on the intention to use augmented reality. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(6), 652-667. DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2020.1752754.

Shou-Tsung Wu, Ching-Hsing Chiu & Yeong-Shyang Chen (通訊作者/Corresponding Author) (2019). An evaluation of recreational benefits and tribal tourism development for aboriginal villages after post-disaster reconstruction - a case study of Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(2): 136-149, DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2018.1556710.

Chen, Yeong-Shyang (通訊作者/Corresponding Author) and Wu, Shou-Tsung (2019). Social networking practices of Viennese coffeehouse culture and intangible heritage tourism. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 17(2), 186-207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2017.1400037.

Wu, Shou-Tsung and Chen, Yeong-Shyang (通訊作者/Corresponding Author) (2018). Local intentions to participate in ecotourism development in Taiwan’s Atayal Communities. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 16(1): 75-96.

Wu, Shou-Tsung & Chen, Yeong-Shyang (通訊作者/Corresponding Author) (2016). Examining eco-environmental changes at major recreational sites in Kenting National Park in Taiwan by integrating SPOT satellite images and NDVI. Tourism Management, 57: 23-36.

Wu, Shou-Tsung & Chen Yeong-Shyang (通訊作者/Corresponding Author) (2015/06) The Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts of Casino Gambling on the  Residents of Macau and Singapore, Tourism Management, 48: 285-298. 

陳永祥 (2013) 飲食文化與「在地性」在觀光發展中的重要性:以法國波爾多的葡萄酒文化為例 (The Significances of “Eating and Drinking Culture” and “Locality” in Tourism Developments: The Case Study of Wine Culture in Bordeaux, France)。高雄應用科技大學學報,42: 1-30

陳永祥 (2013) 從文化人類學檢視文化相關產業在臺灣社會之發展。樹德科技大學學報,15(1)49-74

陳永祥 (2010) 第六章 休閒與性別。在休閒社會學:議題與挑戰 (Leisure Sociology: Issues & Challenges) [劉宏裕 主編/許義雄 策劃]。揚智:台北縣。頁129-170(ISBN978-957-818-977-5)

陳永祥 (2006) 科技、休閒、與社會互動關係之省思。高應科大人文社會科學學報 (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences)3(3): 245-260(ISSN957-01-8270-9)

陳永祥 (2005) 從內門宋江陣看身體意象在台灣社會的轉變。身體文化學報,138-53(ISSN1817-6690)

Yeong-Shyang Chen (2004) Virtual Spaces for Imaginable Marriages: A Discursive Analysis of Structured Powers for Foreign Brides in Taiwan. Asian Studies Journal, 40(1): 35-62 (ISSN: 0004-4679).

Yeong-Shyang Chen (2000) Taiwan. In Encyclopedia of tourism (edited by Jafar Jafari), New York, NY: Routledge, p. 1034.







107年教育部教學實踐研究:新設課程二階段課程接受模式之探討 咖啡、公平貿易、觀光設計